Rock & Roll és viu Vol. 161
Avenged Sevenfold - Shepherd of Fire - 2014
Starset - My Demons - 2014
Bastille - Bad Blood - 2014
John Mayer - XO - 2014
Devour the Day - Move On - 2014
Broken Bells - Holding On For Life - 2014
Of Mice and Men - Would You Still Be There - 2014
Volbeat - Dead But Rising - 2014
Pop Evil - Turn to Pieces - 2014
Gemini Syndrome - Stardust - 2014
Fuel - Soul To Preach To - 2014
Trivium - Strife - 2014
Asking Alexandria - Break Down the Walls - 2014
Band of Skulls - Asleep at the Wheel - 2014
Beware of Darkness - All Who Remain - 2014
Seether - Weak - 2014
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