Rock & Roll és viu .. Vol. 160
Coldplay - Magic - 2014
Escape the Fait - One For the Money - 2014
Korn - Spike In My Veins - 2014
Alter Bridge - Addicted to Pain - 2014
Ingrid Michaelson - Girls Chase Boys - 2014
Slipknot - The Negative One - 2014
Heaven's Basement - Nothing Left to Lose - 2014
Skillet - Not Gonna Die - 2014
Lorde - Tennis Court - 2014
Doobie Brothers - China Grove (with Chris Young) - 2014
Hozier - Take Me to Church - 2014
Milky Chance - Stolen Dance - 2014
Arctic Monkeys - Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? - 2014
Five Finger Death Punch - House of the Rising Sun - 2014
Goo Goo Dolls - Come To Me - 2014
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