dePotaNegra Episodi 029
Lounge Music Café - Apart - 6:24
6:24 - Kitaro - Cosmic Energy - 8:01
14:12 - Lara & The Blue Cats - Forever - 3:48
18:00 - Enya - May it be - 3:32
21:27 - Lizz Wright - Goodbye - 3:56
25:20 - Jox Talay - Groove Theory - 3:26
28:42 - Billie Holiday - One for my baby (and one more for the road) - 5:39
34:18 - Michael Bublé - Too close for comfort - 3:08
37:22 - Sound Behaviour - It's my life - 3:16
40:36 - The Piano Sensations - Theme from "The Carsons" - 3:20
43:51 - Ibiza Lounge Club - Birdsong - 2:13
45:55 - Groove Guru - One fine day - 3:41
49:33 - Lounge Music Café - Falosny Gavalier - 3:29
53:02 - Lou Donaldson - Misty - 8:32
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