Rock & Roll és viu Vol. 22
Boston - More Than a Feeling - 1976
The Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner - 1977
Queen - We will rock you - 1977
Fleetwood Mac - The chain - 1977
Eric Clapton - Cocaine - 1977
Ram Jam - Black Betty - 1977
Foreigner - Feels like the first time - 1977
Heart - Little Queen (Barracuda) - 1977
Kansas - Dust in the wind - 1977
Meat Loaf - Paradise by the Dashboard light - 1977
AC/DC - Whole lotta Rosie - 1977
Ted Nugent - Cat Scratch Fever - 1977
Blondie - Hanging On The Telephone - 1978
Siouxsie And The Banshees - Nicotine Stain - 1978
The Rolling Stones - Lies - 1978
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