- The Hearthrobs Mix (DMC Mix by Alan Coulthard September 1984) - 9:20
- The Dance Decade Volume 5 1984 (DMC Mix by Bizzie Bee July 1989) - 11:15
- Salsa House (DMC Mix by Alan Coulthard July 1994) - 9:50
- Produced By LA & Babyface Megamix (DMC Mix by Bizzie Bee January 1989 - 12:25
- Chad Jackson - Pump Up The Volume (DMC Mix by Chad Jackson July 1987) - 3:55
- The Carpenters Mix (DMC mix by Brian Butler February 199`) - 11:10
- Talking Heads - Once In A Lifetime (DMC Remix by Paul Dakeyne Nov. 1988) - 5:05
Dance Machine Vol. 058
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-INSCRIPCIONS LIMITADES • 8€/pers, anticipada a través d'Entràpolis i tiquets a Forn & Furia i als organitzadors. Més info a kinaka...
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