Per no tocar de peus Vol. 010
The Jacksons - Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground) (John Luongo Remix) - 8:44
Al Stewart - Year Of The Cat - 4:44
Elvin Bishop - Fooled Around Fell In Love - 3:07
Slave - Snap Shot - 6:22
Talking Heads - Slippery People (Remix) - 6:52
Orgone - Don't Stop - 4:55
Natalie Cole - Annie Mae (Slayd5000) - 4:14
Kenny Loggins - Wait A Little While - 4:07
Cameo - Rigor Mortis - 6:15
The Temptations ft Rick James - Standing On The Top - 9:58
Shiva - Never Gonna Give You Up - 4:07
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