dePotaNegra Episodi 050
Tedjep Soulful House - Juan friends for ever - 3:20
3:20 Ernestine, The Alan Douglas Set - Mysterious Ways - 3:55
7:11 New York Bar Quartet - It don't mean a thing - 3:08
10:18 Calitto - The way of the Chill - 3:33
13:49 Soulful Cafe - Vacation in Roses - 2:32
16:22 Chilled Club del Mar - Vamos a la playa - 3:35
19:53 Art Pepper - Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered - 4:26
24:17 Chill Out 2017 - Relaxing Music - 3:42
27:54 Chillout jazz - Blue Bossa - 4:21
32:13 Vangelis - Rach'els Song - 4:48
36:49 Alicia Keys - If i Ain't got you - 3:50
40:35 Liquid Motion - Flowmotional - 4:02
44:35 Ibiza Lounge Club - Spinning of the Wheel - 4:29
48:58 Bar Lounge - What day is it - 3:57
52:53 Feeling - Wonderful tonight - 3:50
56:39 Soulfultrande the real producers - OCean Soul - 3:00
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