Rock & Roll és viu Vol. 32
Billy Joel - You May Be Right - 1980
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers - Don't Do Me Like That - 1980
Christopher Cross - Ride Like the Wind - 1980
Eric Clapton - Tulsa Time - 1980
Santana - You Know That I Love You - 1980
Jackson Browne - That Girl Could Sing - 1980
The Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da - 1980
Foghat - Third Time Lucky - 1980
Electric Light Orchestra - All Over the World - 1980
Grateful Dead - Alabama Getaway - 1980
Romantics - What I Like About You - 1980
The Eagles - I Can't Tell You Why - 1980
Whitesnake - Fool For Your Lovin' - 1980
John Cougar - This Time - 1980
Jefferson Starship - Jane - 1980
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