Rock & Roll és viu Vol. 5
Sam Cooke - A change is gonna come - 1964
Simon and Garfunkel - Sounds of silence - 1965
Simon and Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson - 1967
The Mamas and the Papas - California dreaming - 1965
The Beatles - Nowhere man - 1966
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby - 1966
Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit - 1967
The Doors - Break on Through - 1967
The Doors - Light my fire - 1967
The Rolling Stones - Let's spend the night together - 1967
Buffalo Springfield - For whats it's worth - 1967
Scott McKenzie - San Francisco - 1967
The Beach Boys - Wouldn't it be nice - 1966
The Beach Boys - Just wasn't made for these times - 1966
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations - 1966
The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts Club Band - 1967
The Beatles - With a little help from my friends - 1967
The Beatles - Strawberry fields - 1967
The Beatles - Lucy in the sky with diamonds - 1967
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